As the 1980s drew to a close, thousands of teen Metal Heads everywhere were instantly silenced. Once their proud kind had stalked the suburban landscapes of arcades, malls, empty parking lots, all night diners, and wooded areas with confidence and a pair of shit-kicking boots. But no longer…

As quickly as the heavy metal scene found itself popularized by mainstream culture, it became dead and bloated and disappeared forever. Or did it?

Was that a leather fringe pocket book that lady was wearing at Sam’s Club? Did that cashier really have a Slayer tee shirt under his Home Depot orange vest? Was the sound of a restored Trans Am truly what awakened me from my slumber?

What began as an investigative look into what became of 1980s outsider heroes, The Ginkers Documentary evolved into something deeper and infinitely more funny, a love-letter to an era of long-haired rebels, Marlboro-smoking girls in black spandex and a life lived to the max.

Our feature length film was completed this past year with help from Pabst Blue Ribbon (an early sponsor) self-funding, and donations from various 80s-interested parties.

As we enter into the final phase of editing and post-production, we need support in small bundles and that is why we landed here in your kind land of computers and inter-webs. While our leather vests and construction boots may look worn and silly, we can still drink you under the floor and turn our radios up. So please, help us reach our goal to bring these wonderful feature film to film festivals around the world.

To entice you to join our world, we will be offering a veritable 80s cornucopia of perks: limited edition metal-inspired posters, copies of our finished film, high school detention scribbled drawings, signed copies of our main subject’s “songs that don’t suck playlist”, invitations to screenings as well as producer credits for you fat cats out there.

Please help us help you. For a world that has forgotten the perils of metal music is doomed to repeat them…