That isn't a moon.

Posted on 5:54 AM by Rob

That isn't a moon, indeed.

With the summer ending we have some new projects, updates, and news from the extended Rucksack Family to share.

Eric, our resident editor and camera op is underway assembling most of the rough selects for the Ginkers documentary. When complete, the narration I am currently writing will be added in and we'll pass it off to Bill to provide a possible score for the film before we do a final cut and drop in the archival footage, new interviews and music.

As I structured the narration I saw a few holes where we missed chances to discuss things with our subjects, mainly Scott, our featured subject/hero. Sometime in the later fall there will be a studio shoot where we will be bringing back all of the subjects to get additional coverage and to have them answer some more questions. At this point, the narration isn't heavy, just serving as an introduction to the story so that we have a bit of a wider appeal than just 80s metal fans as the film is less about the music and the time than it is really about the people who survived it all.

We have raised a pretty paltry $75 dollars so far in trying to raise the funds for music rights and hope maybe some of you out there can save us at the last minute with 5 or 10$ donations. See what you can do and check out for Ginkers.

Last bit of Ginkers news, I am considering a name change based on some feedback I have gotten from some people who have seen the rough trailer we posted on youtube. A few people have mentioned that they like the title "Steve Austin Eat Your Heart Out" as it has a more quirky and interesting name than Ginkers, which is an uber-isolated term that only a very few will recognize. Thoughts?

In other RF news, I am producing a short shoot for a reality series about college life this fall that I will be pitching to major companies like MTV. If you are 18-30 and are currently in college or attempting to be, please contact us.

Bill's band, The 6th Ward, will be playing to Loop Lounge in Passaic this Saturday night. They are the featured band and will be going on at 10pm. It is a great little venue with a DJ and a cool vibe. Come out.

Enjoy the rain.