New progress for the fall

Posted on 1:40 PM by Rob

Eric drops off the footage Monday and the select viewing will begin for the feature edit. With luck, I will be in a good position by the winter holiday to see an assembly of a rough viewing of Ginkers. I've lost most of my original archival photos when the Mac crashed two weeks back, along with all of my original scripts and pictures. As a result, I am in a massive rebuilding zone.

The live-action Ginkers script, now with the working title, "The Turnpike" is in progress. I've re-booted the opening prologue and act I from memory and am happy with the way it is taking shape with the development of a voice for James and Thomas that was eluding me on the original draft.

Downloaded Cetx software for this draft and while I abhor settings that keep me confined, working in the limits is helping me see the visuals of the project more as I write.

Will post updates to the selects viewing in a few weeks as it moves ahead.