America IS culture

Posted on 5:59 PM by Rob

Watching the tele and all of the bad news, the blathering on about the market crumbling and all the sky is falling mumbo jumbo... and I can't help but be inspired from where I am. In another arena I would wax poetic and political, maybe at school on Weds I might launch into a polemic worthy of Brooks Atkinson's verbage. But this night, this night I will be content to be inspired by the power of nostalgia and the rising against the adage of "not being able to go home again." This weekend I was pointed in the right direction by John Matthews. John wears so many hats it is hard to mention them all, though I will try: frontman for Strange Things Done In The Midnight Sun, Ginker anthropologist, scourer of 80's youtube clips, etc... John mentioned the EBHS homepage on facebook and I took a gander. Found some stunning Ginker era pics, (1989-91) on the page and immediately followed the link to one Danny Cavanaugh. Within a few hours and a few emails/messages back and forth, he and I were linked inextricably. He gave us permission to use his photos and by doing so both helped our film and highlighted what this process has told me over and over again; that grassroots filmmaking indeed is the voice of the people. Everyone is involved in this - none greater that the sum. 

Thank you to John and to Danny. 

Onto news.

We are gearing up for the fall wrap-up. October 11th we wrap in East Brunswick with an open call for Ginker interviews and a feature interview with Melanie Rodriguez. We move to a return shoot with Scott Schnieder in the end of October and a field trip to shoot some exteriors in early Nov. 


Fosterlunachick said...

I just got this email! COOL! I love it! I hope to meet you soon! I am available weekends... since my kiddo is in school now! Call/text/email me!

shannicat said...

Hey! I wish I could be there for the filming. I was such a GINKER back in the day! Keep me posted when and where I can view the film. Looking forward to it!